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“Kazakh national food”



    №  12          Date:10.10.                Form:6«А»

Theme: “Kazakh national food”


1. To introduce pupils the new words, to get information about traditional food in Kazakhstan and the names of national

dishes, to teach pupils how to prepare it. To teach pupils to compare eating in Kazakhstan

2. To teach pupils to be attentive to each other

3. To develop pupils interests in studying English

  Visual aids: interactive board, cards


Procedure of the lesson:

I. Org.moment:

Good afternoon  dear children. How are you ?  before beginning our lesson

let`s stand to the round and say to each other some compliments. For example:

-You are kind.

-You are beautiful.

-You are handsome.

-You are pretty.

-You are as busy as a bee.

- You are as eager as a beaver.      

Talk to the duty :

-   Who is on duty today?

-     What date is it today?

-   What month is it now?

-     What day of the week is it today?

-    Who is absent today?                         

Ok. thank you

II. Phonetic exercise

III. Түсіну.  New words

Look at the blackboard and let`s start these new words.

to prepare -   дайындау

flour    - ұн

horse meat -   жылқы еті

mutton–қой еті

five fingers- бес бармақ

guests - қонақтар

dish – ыдыс

cow's milk   - сиыр сүті

  ІV. Қолдану. Work with texts.

Kazakh Traditional Food

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people  are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook beshbarmak, pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. The main national dish of  Kazakhs is beshbarmak. Kazakh people prepared Beshbarmak from mutton, a horse- beef. Besbarmak - a dish eaten with five fingers.Bauyrsak - national dish of  Kazakhs, prepared from flour.The tastiest  horse meat dishes are  zhal, zhaya, kazy, and karta,shuzhuk.

They have some traditional milk products. National drinks are kymyz,  shubat, airan.

Airan  is made of  cow's milk.

Shubat - camel's milk.  Shubat  is often served as a medicine.

Kymyz-  is made of horse’s milk. Kymyz - is a very useful for health.

These drinks are very useful for our health. 

V. Талдау. Do the tasks.

I group: Answer the questions.

1. What`s the popular food in Kazakhs?

2. What are the tastiest horse meat dishes?

3.What`s traditional milk products?

4. What`s your favourite food and drink?

II group: Complete the sentences

a) The main national dish of  Kazakhs  is________________

b) A dish eaten with five fingers__________________________

c) Our favourite meat dishes are: ______________________

d) The most popular drinks are: ________________________

e) This drink is made of horse’s milk ____________________

I group: Make a sentences.

1. In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat.

2. The main national dish of  Kazakhs is beshbarmak.

3. These drinks are very useful for our health. 

4. Shubat  is often served as a medicine.

II group: Make the dialogue.

А: What`s the popular food in your family?

В: My family`s popular food is pilaf. But don`t like it.

A: What`s your favourite food?

B: My favourite food is kuyrdak. I like it very much.

А: And What`s your favourite drink?

В: I and my family like to drink kumyz.

A: How often does your family have the Kazakh meat?

B: When they invite guests they also cook  beshbarmak


VI. Revision:

Some – болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады.

Any – болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде  қолданылады.

VIII Бағалау:Marks.

Оқушы аты-жөні

Түсіну.  New words

Қолдану. Work with texts.


Do the tasks.

Ережені қайталау



























































Бағалау шкаласы:  Өте  жақсы – 3

                                Жақсы – 2

                                Қанағаттанарлық- 1


IХ. Үй жұмысы: Home work

To write short essay about “Kazakh national food”

X. Рефлексия.  Reflection.


Оқушыларға қағаздан жасалған ұялы телефон таратылады. Досына смс жазу тапсырылады. Бүгін сабақ қалай өтті және оған өзі белсене араласа алды ма?Немесе сабақтан алған әсері туралы да жазуға болады.

The lesson is over you may be free Good bye!


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